July 21 marks the beginning of National Fishing Month, an initiative set up to encourage more people to get out in the sunshine (or rain) and have a go at fishing. And so, here are 10 things you should know about fishing:
1. Fish evolved 450 million years ago
Fish were the first animals to evolve bony skeletons over 450 million years ago – which means that they have been on the Earth for that long too!
2. There are many different forms of fishing
One of the most common in the UK is fly fishing, whereby you use artificial interpretations of aquatic creatures to catch fish. The other is bait fishing, where an angler will target species using sweetcorn, bread, worms, maggots etc.
3. Fishing is one of the most highly therapeutic sports one can participate in.
Which is why many organisations have set up initiatives to help those suffering from illnesses to improve mental wellbeing. The Countryside Alliance’s Casting 4 Recovery is one example which aims to help ladies who have undergone the traumatic experience of breast cancer.
4. You will need a fishing license from the age of 12
From the age of 12 you are required to purchase a Rod License from the Environment Agency to fish on any inland body of water in England and Wales. Failure to do so could present you with a fine of up to £2,500. However, it is not necessary to have a license if fishing on the coast or in Scotland.
5. Fishing first became a sport in the 1940s
Since then there have been many national competitions and world and european championships.
6. There are over 20 different species of freshwater fish that can be caught in the UK
The most common are rainbow trout, brown trout, carp, roach, pike and chub.
7. There are several types of salmon in the world to catch and eat.
The only one found in the UK is the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), which is on a worryingly rapid and marked decline.
8. Over 106,000 people participate in fishing on a weekly basis.
9. There are many different types of water to fish
From canals, lakesand free-stone rivers to reservoirs and estuaries – but the rarest and most sought-after water is a chalkstream river for its impressively clear water, and 80 per cent of the world’s chalkstreams are found in England.
10. ANYONE can fish.
And there are many guides and instructors globally who will be more than willing to help.
To celebrate National Fishing Month, Blueguard Socks are giving away 10 pairs to 10 lucky winners!
This competition closes at 9.00am on Friday 4th August 2017, and is for UK residents only. For the chance to win one of ten pairs of Blueguard Socks, complete the form below…
Tags: Win,, fishing